Episode 12
Cal Mitchell Interview
Cal Mitchell
Shane Herman
About This Episode
Announcer: Welcome to the sweet spot podcast where we interview players and coaches across all levels of professional baseball.
Shane: Hello is this the sweet spot network. I’m here with Cal Mitchell of the Pittsburgh Pirates. How re you Cal?
Cal: I’m doing well.
Shane: So you were the all star Game MVP in the Florida State League in 2019. Now how does that feel?
Cal: You know, it feels really good. I was able to go out and do something cool on a night like that. I had a few people in the stands there with me, so it was great.
Shane: That’s really cool. At what age did you start playing baseball?
Cal: Oh Man, I was three years old, no, three, four years old playing tee ball. That’s the first thing my dad put me in.
Shane: When you were in little league, like where are you the best on your little league team?
Cal: I was pretty good, literally, you know, but you know, everyone’s got their ups and downs as a little kid, but yeah, i was all right.
Shane: Uh what’s your favorite food?
Cal: Favorite food. I really like a big rack of ribs. A rack of ribs. That’s my favorite meal.
Shane: Oh, that’s really good. Do you have a favorite place to get that food?
Cal: You know, there’s a place here called Park Ave like right next to our hotel. I really liked that. That’s my favorite place to eat when we travel around this league.
Shane: That’s really cool. How many hours a day do you practice?
Cal: All in total? Maybe three, four hours a day, just when I come to the field and then the early work that I get. And then batting practice with the team. So three or four hours.
Shane: Oh, what do you do during the off season?
Cal: I work out every day. I hit pretty much every day I go on a lot of runs and I’ll, where I live, where my house is that there’s a lot of hills for, you know, a few miles. So I do a lot of running.
Shane: Do you think you practice more in the on season or the off season?
Cal: Well since we spend most of the day getting ready for the games and the off season is definitely when you know, we get our, our most practicing.
Shane: So do you get nervous when playing in front of like larger crowds? Like an all star game?
Cal: No, I actually, I actually really like playing in front of larger crowds. It gets me, you know, excited to go out there and, and show everybody what I can do.
Shane: Do you have a best friend on your team?
Cal: Uh I like number 12 and number 12 mostly. Travis Swaggerty.
Shane: Yeah, he’s a really nice guy. I interviewed him also. If you wanna check that out. So do you look forward to when the season’s over or do you like the on season better?
Cal: I like to season better. I like playing baseball, so playing everyday is what I love to do.
Shane: What gear, do you use?
Cal: Usually Nike or Adidas cleats. Old hickory bats and I use a glove called 44 gloves. It’s a company in San Diego that I use the gloves pretty much every year.
Shane: You have any sponsors?
Cal: Yeah, 44 Sports I rep all their stuff.
Shane: That’s really cool. So I think that wraps up the interview. Thank you so much. Cal.
Announcer: Thanks for listening to the Sweet Spot Podcast. We’d love to hear from you with questions and comments about your favorite players, and please get in touch with us at SweetSpotNetwork.com where you can find out how to connect with us on social media or email Shane Herman at shane@sweetspotnetwork.com